Program (Events & Exhibitions)





Daniël Binnekamp, Isabel Friedrich, Lena Grewenig, Hanna Mattes, Lisa Peil, Jane Saks, Evy Schubert, Nicholas Warburg


Exhibition space
Projekträume in AF



23. Mai 2024, 6 pm


24. May – 20. Juni


Opening hours 

Tue – Fri: 11 am – 6 pm

By appointment only



The title borrowed from Shakespeare’s comedy of mistaken identity points the way to a wide spectrum of possibilities for investigation and serves as a starting point for questioning the relevance of what was illuminated even back then – the characters’ inability to recognize a person’s true identity and the extensive field of projection and self-presentation. The focus is on reflections and the resulting confusions and complications in daily interactions, and the significance these have for societal processes and developments as a whole.In contrast to Shakespeare, today we also navigate cultural and societal boundaries in addition to digital parallel universes, where nobody knows who the other person is and who they truly are themselves.


Save the Date


June 13, 2024, 5 pm

Hanna Mattes performs “Take Me to That Landscape” / Music by Ernst Reijseger

Daniël Binnekamp plays “The boy is beautiful”

Lisa Peil reads.

Plus: sandwiches at a long table, artists in conversation. Free entry and sandwiches.